
Computer Language


Individual pages

A - Airport
Nogales International Airport from AirNav
B - Bus
Patagonia Public Schools
Patagonia School District Demographics
C - Cross, I - INS, T - Trash, W - Wall & X - X-ing
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
INS --> Homeland Security
Tucson Sector of the Border Patrol
U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform
US-Mexico Border Issues:, A Selected Bibliography from the Smithsonian
American Immigration Law Foundation (AILF)
Federation for American Immigration Reform
Border Stories from Homelands Productions
Loss of Innocence, by Jane L. Grider
Beyond the Border, a PBS documentary
US/Mexico Border Outreach Project, Religious Task Force on Central America and Mexico
Crossing the Rio Grande: Mexican Border Immigration from Justice Talking
Borderlinks, a typical 5 day Mexico border trip
Immigration, migration, and human rights on the US/Mexico border, Roberto L. Martinez, InMotion Magazine
No More Deaths
Border Action Network
Humane Borders
Don't be fooled: Our southern border is as porous as ever Jack McGarvey, in High Country News
U.S.-Mexican Border: Can Good Fences Make Bad Neighbors?, John Barry on
Derechos Humanos
Border Links from the Interhemispheric Resource Center
U.S. Border Control, not a US government organtization
D - Deer
Appleton - Whittell Research Ranch
Mule deer from
Mule Deer Foundation
E - Erosion
A Guide to Restoring Western Rangelands, The Quivira Coalition
F - Fair & G - Gate
Santa Cruz County Fair and Rodeo Association
H - Hawk & N - Nest
Red-Tailed Hawk - Buteo jamaicensis from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Red-Tailed Hawk - Buteo jamaicensis from the USGS
Red-Tailed Hawk - Buteo jamaicensis
J- Jay
Mexican Jay - Aphelocoma ultramarina from
Mexican Jays' Dogged Pack Mentality, by Mathew Tekulsky, National Geographic News
K - Kitsch
City of Tombstone Official Website
OK Corral, Tombstone, AZ
Tombstone Courthouse State Historic Park
L - Layers
Fossils, Rocks and Time from the USGS
Geologic Time Online from the USGS
Sedimentary rocks from the Park Service
Basin and Range from the Park Service
Geologic Time from the Park Service
M - Moon
Myths about the Moon
Phases, Orbit and Distance of the Moon from the
Science with the Lunar Prospector
Phases of the Moon from the U.S. Naval Observatory
Learn about cratering studies from the Planetary Science Institute
O- oak
Quercus arizonica - Arizona Oak
Botanical and Ecological Characteristics
P - Pixel
Definition of a pixel [for computer monitors]
Definition of a pixel [for TV sets]
Q - Quail
Montezuma Quail (Cyrtonyx montezumae), from Audubon
Montezuma quail - Cyrtonyx montezumae, from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Montezuma quail Cyrtonyx montezumae
North American Quail Conservation
Mearn's Quail in New Mexico
Mearn's Quail
R - Ranch
Empire Ranch Foundation
Arizona Open Land Trust
Southeast Arizona Land Trust
Sonoran Institute
Land Trust Alliance
Malpai Borderlands Group
Saving the Wide Open Spaces: Advancing the Conservation & Sustainability of Working Landscapes in the American West
The Quivira Coalition
Arizona State Land Department
Who will take over the ranch? by Jon Christensen
S - Snake
Arizona Herpetological Association
Tucson Herpetological Society
Arizona Snakes in the Arizona Biodiversity Image Gallery
United Parcel Service Global Home
V - Vines
Callaghan Vineyards, Sonoita, AZ
Sonoita Vineyards, Sonoita, AZ
Village of Elgin Winery, Elgin, AZ
Y - Yucca & Z - Zinnia
Arizona Native Plant Society
Desert Botanical Garden, Phoenix
Tucson Botanical Garden
Boyce Thompson Arboretum
Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, Tucson
Tohono Chul Park, Tucson

Other Alphabet Books of interest
Los ABCs: A Wartime Primer From The Other Side

Authors Website
Karen M. Strom's Photography Website - Free Advertsing for the Western Community!